Research Activity
My research activity has been carried out on various topics of the Physics of the Lithosphere, Seismology and Applied Geophysics.
Research Work
My research work was conducted during my tenure at the four main research institutions where I have worked, namely, the Department of Geophysics at AUTh, ITSAK, the Department of Geosciences at Princeton University (USA), and the Earth Science Department at the University of Oregon (USA). In several cases, this research was implemented through research programs of these specific research institutions, often in collaboration with other research entities. The primary focus of the research work pertained to topics in the Physics of the Earth’s Interior (primarily Lithosphere Physics), Seismology (General Seismology, Technical Seismology, etc.), Applied Geophysics, as well as subjects of more specific or related branches of Geophysics (Geodynamics, Environmental Physics, etc.). The main research topics I have engaged with include:
- Structure of the crust and upper mantle, mainly using tomographic methods
- Study of the propagation and simulation of seismic waves, as well as the effect of local ground conditions on strong and weak seismic motion using instrumental data (earthquakes and ground noise) and appropriate simulations
- Study of radiation, damping and effects of strong seismic motion using macroseismic and instrumental data
- Study of the time-dependent seismicity and deformation of the lithosphere Active deformation of the cortex
- Seismicity, seismic risk and seismotectonic regime of the wider Aegean area
- Study of seismic sequences
- Study of the characteristics of seismic recordings and their automatic processing
- Creating catalogs of earthquakes and studying their characteristics
- Study of the seismovolcanic activity and structure of the Santorini volcano
- Use of Applied Geophysics techniques (seismic, gravitational, magnetic, etc.) to study the surface layers of the Earth, mainly for archaeometric, geotechnical and geological purposes
Other research activities
During my tenure at ITSAK, I was a member of the team of ITSAK’s Engineering Seismology Department, responsible for the maintenance and development of ITSAK’s Permanent Accelerometer Network. I participated in the periodic maintenance/installation program of the ITSAK accelerometers. I participated in field teams for the earthquakes of Konitsa (1996) and Zakynthos-W. Peloponnese (1997) for the study of the seismic sequences that occurred in these regions (installation of accelerometers, etc.).
Throughout my PhD thesis at the Geophysical Laboratory, I regularly performed scheduled shifts at the central Seismological Station of AUTH, responsible for the earthquake analysis, processing and interpretation to relocate earthquakes (magnitudes, epicenters, focal depths), publication of the monthly seismological bulletins in case of a strong earthquake.
I have participated in several Seismology and Earth Interior Physics field experiments, which included the installation of seismological networks to monitor post-seismic sequences or the study of microseismic activity and structure (e.g. N. Aegean, 1988, Epirus, 1989, Thessaly, 1990, Athens, 1999, Chios, 2002, Lefkada, 2003, SIMBAAD network, 2006). My most recent participation concerns the EGELADOS network (Exploring the GEodynamics of subducted Lithosphere using an Amphibian Deployment Seismographs, 2006-2008),which is the largest network of terrestrial and underwater stations installed in the Aegean area, in which I am a member of the coordinating committee and responsible for the installation and operation of a large part of the network, as well as the processing of its data. I am a coordinating member of the PROTEUS experiment, which was held in the wider area of Santorini with the aim of studying the structure of the volcanic complex, in collaboration with the University of Oregon, Imperial College and EKPA.
I have also organized and participated in a large number of Applied Geophysics field experiments, using a range of methodologies and techniques (seismic refraction measurements, crosshole and downhole borehole measurements, electrical sounding and tomography, georadar, VLF electromagnetic measurements, magnetic measurements, gravity measurements , etc.), mainly in the context of research programs (micro-zonal studies, soil response-liquefaction studies, studies of dynamic subsoil characteristics of dams, stratigraphy studies, etc.).
I am a reviewer of scientific papers in the following international journals:
- Acta Geophysica
- Active Volcanoes of the World
- Advances in Geosciences
- Annals of Geophysics/Annali Geofisica
- Annales Geologique Pays Hellenique
- Archaeological Prospection
- Boletino Geologica Teorica e Applicata
- Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering
- Bulletin Seismological Society of America
- Central European Journal of Geosciences
- Earthquake Spectra
- Earthquakes and Structure
- Geotechnical and Geological Engineering
- Geophysical Journal International
- Geophysical Journal of the Balkan Geophysical Society
- Geophysical Research Letters
- Journal of Archaeological Sciences
- Journal of Applied Geophysics
- Journal of Geodynamics
- Journal of Geophysical Engineering
- Journal of Geophysical Research (Solid Earth)
- Journal of Earth Science Research
- Journal of Earthquake Technology-ISET
- Journal of Seismology
- Marine Geology
- Natural Hazards
- Near Surface Geophysics
- Open Geosciences
- Pure and Applied Geophysics
- Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering
- Solid Earth
- Tectonophysics
At the same time, I have judged papers for a significant number of special international volumes and books (e.g. TransMed Atlas, Developments in Volcanology, etc.), national and international conferences (e.g. conferences of the Hellenic Geological Society, Hellenic Geographical Society, etc. ). I have received from the American Geophysical Union (AGU) the best reviewer award for the Journal of Geophysical Research (Solid Earth) for 2001. I am also Associate Editor of the Geophysical Journal of the Balkan Geophysical Society and Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences.